The Dandyhats: Dundur Trendbreaker

Dundur stumbled upon Archibrum's entourage by chance, on the road that leads to the city of the damned.

And it was like Archibrum and Dundur were a match made in heaven: Dundur loved the gang's whole attire and how well it matched his tattoos; and Archibrum fell in love with Dundur's tattoos and couldn't resist showing him his own body art.

"- See? I got this one when I visited Cathay. These symbols mean "Strength" and "Courage". I got them so I never forget to live my best life". Dundur didn't really understand how someone would need a tattoo to remember something and just retorted: "- Mine protect me".

Dundur is, quote, "obsessed" with all the frills, the quality of the linen, and the excellent manufacture of the warband's clothes. He always felt that, hadn't he taken the Slayer path, he would have been one of the biggest names in dwarven high fashion.

Archibrum had had his doubts about Dundur joining the group, as Dundur didn't wear a hat and was adamant about not using one. In the beginning, he came up with some feeble excuses, such as "the slayer pride", but after they shared some beers, Dundur confessed to the young dwarf lord that he doesn't like to use a hat or a helmet because they mess up his meticulously groomed hairstyle (which takes hours to achieve!).

That was something to which Archibrum could totally relate, and it was enough to grant Dundur a place in the band. However, Archibrum still secretly hopes that one day Dundur will conquer his fears and put on a magnificent hat. Then the warband can finally achieve its full style potential.
