The Dandyhats: Introduction to a Mordheim warband

Allow me to introduce you to the first members of my dwarf warband. Neither the band nor the chaps have a name yet, but I think we can all agree that they arrived to the doors of Mordheim in style.
They are part of the entourage of a young dwarf lord known in the Dwarven kingdom for being, quoting his own father, “a spoiled little brat”. With no real fighting experience, he started the trip to the city of Mordheim to prove his worth to his “daddy”. 

 These guys joined him on the trip simply because, you know, what would the dwarven maidens think of them if such a brat was going to find glory while they stayed in the comfort of their palaces?
The young noble's decision shook the court top to bottom; and several other nobles, better known for their extravagant tastes than for their fighting skills, joined his quest for honour.

As court fashion - rather than axemanship - was better known in their group, they took their best clothes, always matching the colours of their champion, the young noble, and marched towards the city of the damned.

Their arrival to the war camps surrounding the city caused quite the stir among the soldiers setting camp there. When they saw the young noble and his entourage arrive in such colourful clothes (which couldn't possibly provide any kind of help on a stealthy incursion into the city), they mistook the bliss ignorance of the nobles for bravery. This earned the young dwarf lord a level of respect and credibility that he did not deserve.
But.. How long would it last?
